Our Purpose
Governor Spencer J. Cox released a call to action for the healthcare community to make Utah a national leader in cost-efficient, innovative healthcare. Although Governor Cox championed the founding of the Collaborative, we operate independently and will help accelerate change over the next 15 years.
Our vision is affordable healthcare that improves the quality of life for all.
While Utah is seen as a healthy and affordable state, our healthcare system requires immediate action to ensure long-term sustainability. Healthcare premiums are growing at almost triple the rate of family income. Costs are rising for individuals, employers, and the state. Despite rising costs, outcomes are worsening and are unequally distributed leading to disparities that impact our state’s most vulnerable populations. To improve health and healthcare for all Utahns, we must evolve our traditional healthcare system.

When considering Utah community values and the spaces we thrive in, the most effective approach in creating system-wide change should center around collaboration and innovation. Utah is fortunate to have industry leaders commit to consensus-based solutions focused on the patient. As one of the most innovative states in the country, we thrive when we create, evolve, and innovate our way to successful outcomes. By serving as a convener, rather than a regulator, the Collaborative will build a 15-year roadmap that leads to a sustainable healthcare system.